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Removing Naturally Occurring Contaminants

It is not uncommon to have naturally occurring contaminants in your water. Some of the most common are coliform bacteria, arsenic, radon, and uranium. Each contaminant is unique to the symptoms it may cause. For example, coliform bacteria is essentially harmless, but it could indicate that there are other more harmful bacteria in the water. Radon can have long term health effects which amplifies as the radon is released into the air through showering or other activities. While these are undetectable without a lab, there are systems in place to remove these contaminants.  

Concerned about what may be lurking in your drinking water?  Give us a call and schedule a water testing appointment!  An experienced Technician will come to your home or business to sample.  We'll send the water off to a 3rd party lab for analysis, and once the results are received, we can assist with interpreting the results and providing solutions.

Available Products

Arsenic Filter
Ultra Violet Disinfection System
Reverse Osmosis System
Radon Removal System

EPA National Drinking Water Regulation Standards



Maximum Level


Total Coliform

>1 CPL or Present

  • No taste or visible sign
  • Used to indicate whether other potentially harmful bacteria may be present


>0.010 mg/L

  • No taste or visible sign
  • Skin damage or problems with circulatory systems, may have increased risk of cancer

Gross Alpha

*Combines Radium and Uranium

>15 pCi/L

  • No taste or visible sign
  • Increased risk of cancer

Radium 226/228

>5 pCi/L

  • No taste or visible sign
  • Increased risk of cancer


>30 ug/L

  • No taste or visible sign
  • Increased risk of cancer; kidney toxicity


VT Recommended Limit = 4000 pCi/L

  • No taste or visible sign
  • Increased risk of cancer, specifically Lung Cancer
Great Water Makes Happy Campers

Our Success Story

Apple Island Resort is able to deliver clean water to meet the needs of everyone at their camp!